Kieron Williamson is 8 years old and he is a young artist. He lives in England and this little boy makes paintings and drawings which are extraordinary for his young age. In his latest exhibition, his 33 paintings were sold within half an hour, for a total of $243,000 Canadien. Buyers spent the night outside the gallery to be sure to have a painting. Kieron paints particularly impressionistic landscapes (pastels, watercolours, and oil paintings) and it's for this reason that we call him "mini Monet" (Claude Monet was an impressionist painter). Kieron has already a website and a business card, but he is fine and happy with that. However, his parents (Michelle and Keith) are anxious, but also proud of their son. When he asked to his parents pencils and paper for the first time, they were surprised because Kieron was a sportive boy. At 5 years old, he made an accomplished drawing of boats in a harbour. This little boy who is self-confident wants to be painter and footballer in the future. His parents said that they will always be there to support him whatever his profession is. In short, Kieron is a famous boy and a lot of journalists from different places travel to England to interview him!